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Our Property

  Our property is conveniently located along the Big Sur Coast halfway between Carmel and Big Sur Proper. We are about 3 miles up a beautiful redwood canyon from the coast. We sit atop a sunny ridge surrounded by an oak and redwood forest.  At 1100 ft in elevation, we are almost always above the summer fog, which creates unique views as it moves in and out of the canyon like slow tide. 

  There are two main structures on the property. Facing west with an ocean view and a large grassy yard in front, our main house consists of a very spacious rental apartment on the first floor, while we occupy the top two floors.

The craftsman cabin (our other rental), is south facing and sits a good distance from the main house  with canyon/forest views. Between the two sits our wood-fired sauna.

   This land is a place for quietude and solitude... a place to be replenished and calmed by the simple beauty of nature. We hope that our guests treat this as an opportunity to experience these wildlands with reverence, coming away refreshed in a way only nature can provide. So please respect this quiet for your sake as well as those who live here.



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